Recently Released Moon Anomalies

These images were recently published on the Internet by Richard Hoagland.

Ruins above the Horizon - Nasa Photo #9301.

Ruins above the Horizon - Color-enhanced version of Nasa #9301

Goddard and Houston - #4822 comparison

Apollo 12 & 14 Lunar Module and an Inclined Buttress

Apollo 12 Lunar Module in front of Lunar Ruins

Apollo 12 Helmet Reflection Shows Artifact  For a higher resolution gif (1.04M), click here.

Apollo 12 Astronauts Amid the Ruins (Hasselblad Photo)  For a higher resolution gif (1.06M), click here.

Russian Zond-3 Lunar Fly-By

Astronaut Mitchell Under Glass

Enlargement of above showing Slanted Buttresses

New Dawn Magazine

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Steve Wingate <>
Last Updated: 7:00 PM on 5/25/96